Fall fever.
I'm as much as an autumnal nut as the next person, but sometimes you just have to draw the line. Allow me to argue the case of the infamous scarf anomaly.
Normally around this lovely time of year I begin to sport a light scarf to keep me cozy on those chilly morning walks to my early classes.
This is nice. This is comfortable. And I'd like to think that this is cute and acceptable. What I don't get is when it's mid-afternoon and I see girls with an entire afghan smothering their torso.
You know what I'm talking about, right? Those fashionable blanket scarves. And look, I get it. They're cozy. They're cute. But when the leaves are still green outside and it's 65 degrees in the shade and you look like this:
And in case you were wondering: yes, blanket scarves really are made out of blankets. Observe.
Pinterest, as usual, didn't fail me in my quest to expose this particular brand of scarf enthusiast. It really is a blanket people. And it really is in fashion right now.
All in all, I'm really not the scarf police. I like flannel, I like scarves, I like fall, so go ahead and flaunt those oversized neck-warmers. I'm just warning us all to keep an eye on this trend before we all turn into this guy:
I don't care where you live or how cold it gets... ain't nobody need a scarf that big.