Friday, November 20, 2015

behind the all-nighter

I want to start this off with a vote: do you like the body copy on my blog at this size?  I received some complaints recently on how small it is and how difficult it is to read (*cough* MOM *cough*), so I decided to bump up the point size to the next available setting in blogger (which is a bit huge to my eye, but maybe it works).  I also changed the typeface to something that hopefully reads a little bolder to the eye.  Anyways, when you're done reading this, please kindly comment below which you prefer (either in-post or on facebook/instagram is fine).  If you need a comparison, all of my other posts should still be at the original point size (though type will all be changed).  Much appreciated.

Moving on.  So, unfortunately, this post shall contain no doodles.  Heartbreaking, I know.  However, I wanted to share my latest project with you.  Most of you know that I've been working on a group project to make a magazine for my History of Graphic Design class.  My group was assigned the topic of Mid-Century Modern (MCM).  We could write our magazine on anything related to MCM, and we were given the option to make our publication look era-appropriate or not, as long as it works with our concept.  We published our work to, so the work is free to view for anybody.  It's a long magazine (108 pages!), but hey, we're designers, so if all you have time to do is flip through it, I can promise you it will still be enjoyable to look at.  I would, however, encourage you to please take the time to read the first 2 or 3 pages, as they introduce the magazine and explain the idea behind the whole project.  

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed making it!  Follow this link to take you to our publication on  Thanks, and enjoy!

(postscript: if you're viewing on a mobile device, flip to view horizontally.  Otherwise you won't be able to view in spreads.)
Cover art

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